Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Vitual Temple Tour Collection

For convenience, here are the links to all The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints temple tour posts. They are an explanation of what goes on, with discretion, in a temple and for what reasons. Never before has so much information become available for those who want to research and understand the topic. On the other hand, too much of a good thing can also lessen personal discovery and make the sacred mundane. Hopefully these posts will help a person understand the spiritual and doctrinal importance of temple work.

Payson, UT Temple open house

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Virtual Temple Tour Part IV: Eternal Family

The great and important ceremony to be preformed after the washing, anointing, and main Endowment is sealing. Men and women must be sealed together as husband and wife, forming a family unit that is meant to last through time and eternity. When Jesus Christ was challenged about divorce, he responded in Mark 10:9, talking about the creation of man and woman, "what therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." In the temple is displayed the Matthew 16:19 declaration to Peter when he was given the Keys of the Kingdom, "and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven," but under the authority of the Latter-day Saint Priesthood. As stated before, this sealing power is believed given to the Prophet Joseph Smith by visitation of angels, under the direction of Jesus Christ. In a revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith it was revealed, echoing 1 Tim 4:3, "And again, verily I say unto you, that whoso forbiddeth to marry is not ordained of God, for marriage is ordained of God unto man. Wherefore, it is lawful that he should have one wife, and they twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the earth might answer the end of its creation; And that it might be filled with the measure of man, according to his creation before the world was made." (Doctrine and Covenants 49:15-17). Marriage was at first considered a temporal condition blessed by God to continue human life. Later, the importance of the bond between husband and wife was revealed to be far more important than a short lifetime.

Kirtland Temple pulpit, where
angles stood to restore
Priesthood Keys

Marriage is a necessary part of what is known as "Exaltation" in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ doctrine. A teaching Joseph Smith is recorded in Doc. And Cov. 131:1-4, about the eternal nature of the marriage covenant, "In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees; And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage]; And if he does not, he cannot obtain it. He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase." Soon after this teaching, Joseph Smith pondered how Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and Solomon were allowed to have so many wives and concubines. In the controversial revelation of Doc. and Cov. 132, he was answered that the women were given them by commandment; with any additional marriages not approved or commanded by God to be considered adultery. As for at least the first marriage vs. 15-16 reads:

Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by me nor by my word, and he covenant with her so long as he is in the world and she with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force when they are dead, and when they are out of the world; therefore, they are not bound by any law when they are out of the world.
Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory.
Because of events in the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, marriages to more than one spouse is now discontinued. It is still required that a man and a woman marry in the temple to have an eternal family for Exaltation.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Virtual Temple Tour Part III: A Covenant People

To receive an “Endowment” is to be given a gift. For those attending the temple the gift is the power and promise of the blessings of Jesus Christ. Both men and women participate in the same ordinances, and therefore have the same opportunities for receiving the same blessings. Although Priesthood authority in the LDS Church is conferred to men only, the temple contains the concentration of its eternal power. “A person may have authority given to him, or a sister to her,” former LDS President Joseph Fielding Smith (Relief Society Magazine, 1959) wrote, “to do certain things in the Church that are binding and absolutely necessary for our salvation, such as the work that our sisters do in the House of the Lord.” Because the temple Endowment is considered a gift of heavenly powers, it is usually done before a Latter-day Saint goes on a proselytizing mission, gets married, or when society considers them reaching the age of an adult.

Before continuing on with temple activity, participants gather for a short time in a chapel. Depending on the amount of time needed, technical instructions will be given, families for weddings assembled, hymns sung, and individuals might read Scriptures. Once ready to move forward, guides will lead the worshipers to ordinance rooms.

Buenos Aires Argentina Temple chapel

The initiation ceremonies were done for individuals, but the Endowment is with a group split into one side women and the other men. Endowment ritual themes are broken into progressions, with older temples having separate instruction rooms to signify the differences. Older “Pioneer” temples have a Creation Room, Garden Room, World Room, and Celestial Room, among others. Often they have painted walls to match the ritual and instructional themes. Smaller and more recent temples usually only have one or two instruction rooms that restrict movement. This can speed up the ceremony and accommodate a more condensed ritual that includes film presentations. Live actors that dramatized certain parts of the ceremonies have become a thing of the past. Despite the changes and increasingly pared down ritual, the basics remain the same.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Virtual Temple Tour Part II: Entering Sacred Space

Many temples, although not all of them, have a wingless golden angel statue at the top steeples blowing a soundless trumpet. Some have mistaken it for the Angel Gabriel who visited the prophet Daniel in the Old Testament to interpret dreams. In the New Testament the Angel Gabriel announced the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ as a heavenly messenger. The original designer did have that angel in mind, but it was quickly identified with another. Another heavenly messenger, the Angel Moroni, gave directions where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ founding prophet Joseph Smith could recover golden plates to translate by the power of God. From this translation came The Book of Mormon scripture where “Mormons” get their nickname.

The Angel Moroni also represents the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the latter days, along with the gathering of Israel. He is often interpreted as the angel from Revelations 14:1-6 who was seen flying, “in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” The angel is calling out to the House of Israel and as an ensign to the nations to come together. Temples are gathering places where the work of the Lord can bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children. Former LDS President Thomas S. Monson said (GC, April 2011), “temples are more than stone and mortar. They are filled with faith and fasting. They are built of trials and testimonies.” Boyd K. Packer of the LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said (Ensign, Oct. 2007), “It is a privilege to enter the holy temple. If you are eligible by the standards that are set, by all means you should come to receive your own blessings; and thereafter you should return again and again and again to make those same blessings available to others who have died without the opportunity to receive them in mortality.” Those who enter the temple must do so with spiritual purity and a reverence for the holy sacred.

Angel Moroni statue

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Virtual Temple Tour Part I: Meaning and Preparation

Perhaps the most visual symbols of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are temples that sometimes have at the top of spires a gold statue of an angel blowing a trumpet. Less noticed, unless living in a place that has a lot of Latter-day Saints (otherwise called “Mormons”) are the meeting chapels where Sunday worship and other activities take place. Anyone who is an LDS Church member or not can go to a chapel, but the temples are different. Only those who are baptized as faithful members can enter into and partake of the worship inside. Every now and then those who are not LDS members may visit a recently built or refurnished temple and take a non-worship tour. Once temples are dedicated only LDS members in good standing can enter for worship activities.

Unlike a meeting house where congregations gather for weekly Sunday services, LDS Church President Russell M. Nelson explained, "The temple is the house of the Lord. The basis for every temple ordinance and covenant…is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Every activity, every lesson, all we do in the Church, point to the Lord and His holy house." (General Conference, April 2001). It is a place where families of the Earth are united for all of eternity in righteousness. Elder Boyd K. Packer of the LDS Twelve Apostles stated, "Temple. One other word is equal in importance to a Latter-day Saint. Home. Put the words holy temple and home together, and you have described the house of the Lord!" (GC, April 1993). Each temple will have the words “Holiness to the Lord, the House of the Lord” engraved over an entrance door, signifying it belongs to Jesus Christ with the prospect of heavenly visitation.

Worship within the temple is full of symbolism compared to a regular church service that mostly contains prayer, hymns, and sermons. There is only a few symbolic rituals outside the temple that Latter-day Saints practice. Baptism is done by full immersion to represent rebirth, death and resurrection, and cleansing away of sins. Related to baptism is the Sacrament, known to other Christian religions as Communion, that was instituted by Jesus Christ in remembrance of the sacrifice of his blood and flesh on the Cross. The amount of symbolic ritual in the temple is strikingly different from the basic Sunday worship services.

Temple worship is also considered highly sacred and to be discussed with careful reverence, if mentioned at all to the point of secrecy. The sentiment is similar to what the early Christian theologian Origen wrote in his Against Celsus (Ante-Nicene Fathers, 4:399), “to speak of the Christian doctrine as a secret system, is altogether absurd, but there should be certain doctrines, not made known to the multitude . . . not deemed fit to be communicated to profane and insufficiently prepared ears.” The writer of the early Christian document Clementine Rocognitions ( in ANF 8:83) wrote, “For the most sublime truths are best honored by means of silence.” Jesus Christ himself often spoke in parables, with his disciples asking why he taught in that way. His response according to Mark chapter 4:11 was, “unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables.” For these same reasons Latter-day Saints are advised, such as former LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinkley cautioned (GC, April 1990), “Sacred matters deserve sacred consideration. We are under obligation, binding and serious, to not use temple language or speak of temple matters outside.” Because of the sacred nature of the temple, this virtual tour will follow the example of what is available in official LDS Church statements and publications.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Taking the Stone Out of the Hat Part 3: Rescuing the Urim and Thummim

The history behind The Book of Mormon translation is based on the written record. Who writes the history and what they have to say has a strong impact on how the events are understood. The Urim and Thummim found with the gold plates has a lot of evidence, where the stone in the hat a few strong statements. It is assumed that history comes fully formed in a textbook or what was written by an author who did the studies. For the modern historian, no history exists unless it is written down and somehow explained. Some physical evidence can be used to corroborate or refute the written record, but only words explain human thoughts and experience. People can only write from their perspective, and sometimes they lie or remember incorrectly. What can be known about the translation of the Book of Mormon depends on who and what to believe.

Previously the stone in the hat discussion focused mostly on David Whitmer with many interviews. Each one brought up more questions than answers about the Book of Mormon translation. He claimed to have witnessed more than the angel revealing the gold plates, Urim and Thummim, and other objects. He said the translation of the Book of Mormon happened in front of him and others. Sometimes he said he witnessed the use of the Urim and Thummim, while other times he denied that and said only a seer stone. This is in direct opposition to what Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, ,and Lucy Mack Smith wrote. Seeing the Urim and Thummim and the gold plates before the translation was finished would be a death sentence for both him and Joseph Smith, according to commands of the Lord. He was one of the Three Witnesses that an angel showed the plates, Urim and Thummim, and other holy objects after the translation. A generous reading might include he saw a non-translation demonstration, misinterpreted what he saw or was misinterpreted about what he said, got frustrated with the resulting discussions, and finally ended up sticking with the stone in the hat to be more consistent.

Another of the Three Witnesses, Oliver Cowdery, always testified the few times he did that the Urim and Thummin found with the plates was the translation instrument. He never mentioned a stone in the hat. One report around 1830 of an interview has him describing Joseph Smith looking on the gold plates engravings with transparent stones in the spectacles, “and afterwords put his face into a hat, and the interpretation flowed into his mind.” (quoted in The Joseph Smith Papers: Documents Vol. 1, xxxi-xxxii). It is hard to determine if this was all Oliver Cowdery or a mix from other stories attributed to him. Nothing apparently is put in the hat other than Joseph Smith’s head, and the words come into his mind. There is no other report like this from any other source, even if many of the elements are present. Regardless, there is no dark colored seer stone, with the inclusion of a hat out of the ordinary for all other reported Cowdery statements.

Martin Harris, one of the Three Witnesses, is perhaps the first to talk with newspapers.It is hard to say early on how much of the very first reports actually came from Martin Harris or Joseph Smith, or the newspaper editorial opinions. They rewrote articles based on the Palmyra Freeman, 11 August 1829 report, with strong hostile slants. The Rochester Advertiser and Daily Telegraph August 31, 1829 article said, “the [Golden] Bible was found, together with a huge pair of spectacles! He had been directed, however, not to let any mortal being examine them, ‘under no less penalty’ than instant death! They were therefore nicely wrapped up and excluded from the ‘vulgar gaze of poor wicked mortals!’,” that is less than an actual quotation. Another newspaper, Rochester Gem, September 1829, claims to paraphrase Martin Harris. The supposed interview statement reads, “He states that after the third visit from the same spirit in a dream he proceeded to the spot, removed earth, and there found the bible, together with a large pair of spectacles. He had also been directed to let no mortal see them under the penalty of immediate death, which injunction he steadfastly adheres to . . .” What the actual first report said was most likely similar to this one. Both of them, and others that also use the same report, describe the gold plates’ dimensions, engraved hieroglyphics, and placing spectacles in a hat. That last part is not possible considering the descriptions of the size of the spectacles and the white or transparent stones. As explained in another post, this is most likely rumors combined with what believers said.

Another newspaper more local to the events claims to have talked with a few of the Witnesses, including Martin Harris. It writes he stated, “that when he acted as amanuenses, and wrote the translation, as Smith dictated, such was his fear of the Divine displeasure, that a screen (sheet) was suspended between the prophet and himself.” (The Reflector, Palmyra, 19 March 1831). Perhaps it is only a very short quote from a longer explanation Martin Harris gave, but there is no “seer stone” or “hat” present. He couldn’t even see what Joseph Smith was doing because there had to be some kind of cover. In this case, the sheet or screen. The same warnings, although including a hat and not a curtain, were included in the previous reports.

The very hostile 1843 Mormonism Unveiled paraphrases Martin Harris describing the “Urim and Thummim” and the sheet hiding the translation. E.D. Howe claims he was told that, “the presence of the Lord was so great, that a screen was hung up between him and the Prophet,” while at other times Joseph Smith went upstairs with Martin Harris in another room. This does seem to have parallels with the translation change to the Whitmer’s house, after Martin Harris lost the plates and the duty of scribe. The most famous apparent quote of Martin Harris in this book comes from Dr. Charles Anthon who states he was told “This young man was placed behind a curtain, in the garret of a farm house, and, being thus concealed from view, put on the spectacles occasionally, or rather, looked through one of the glasses, decyphered the characters in the book.” Of course, how much was the actual words of Martin Harris, or personal paraphrasing is unclear. Regardless, at no time do they mention he talked about a stone in a hat. The book, as previously talked about in another post, wrote of the Urim and Thummim and the stone in the hat as two separate theories of translation. Both of them equally absurd to the author and editor.

By the 1870s Joseph Smith was no longer alive and the old Lost Spaulding Manuscript theory was invigorated. The “Mormons” had split into a large “Utah Church” and smaller Eastern U.S. claimants to the Restoration. The largest of these Eastern offshoots was The Reorganized LDS Church, who sent missionaries to Utah to gain converts. They were relatively successful, making Brigham Young not happy about their presence. He warned the Saints about them with some back and forth verbal hostilities. The “Utah Church” didn’t really care about the Spaulding Manuscript theory and continued to preach the Urim and Thummim translation. Back east the theory gained momentum. Along with it high profile statements about the stone in the hat to counter it and the LDS Church in the west. The past has become prologue as it is still used in an ever growing battle over history.

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Taking the Stone Out of the Hat Part 2: A Convenient Inconsistency

Challenging the stone in the hat translation story can be difficult for those unfamiliar with the documents. For every quote supporting the Urim and Thummim as the only instrument used to translate the golden plates, some other quote will be used to justify the stone as at least a companion tool. Anyone with access to the documents will, with time, realize how confusing the whole becomes. These aren't complimentary recitations that can be reconciled. They are at odds with each other; sometimes within the same sources or interviews. Important evidence needs to be examined for context and agendas, and not only quotes, to come at least close to the truth.

Previously the stone in the hat discussion reviewed early recitations of the Book of Mormon translation. Although the hat, or box, or dark place was found in the earliest non-Mormon reports or interviews, they weren’t always included. None of the earliest believing Mormon writings, including Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery who would know the most, mentioned the hat or “seer stone” in any way. Both the earliest reports and the direct statements of early Mormons, yet again including Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, mention Interpreters or white stones in spectacles. Even the earliest accusation of Joseph Smith as a peep stone in a hat money digger doesn’t point to the same instrument in use for the Book of Mormon translation. That doesn’t show up until the 1834 anti-Mormon book Mormonism Unveiled examined the stone in the hat and the Urim and Thummim behind a curtain as two opposing translation theories. The book didn’t consider them one and the same, or that they were interchangeable in the translation process. Both were ridiculed by the author and publisher as equally questionable. The book writers preference was the curtain with the gold plates and Urim and Thummim or spectacles, because it fit the hidden Lost Spaulding Manuscript theory. Those critics who wrote earlier than the book conjectured or accused Joseph Smith of using occultic powers to translate while merely compared the Interpreters or Urim and Thummim to seer stones. Not until the death of Joseph Smith did some former Mormons, including important witnesses to the gold plates and Urim and Thummim, add the seer stone in a hat as part of the translation story.

Considering all the background information that puts the Urim and Thummin as the principle translation device, it might be surprising how prominent for modern Mormons the stone in the hat has become. Before this it was a peculiarity that might have some authentication, but not enough for inclusion in publications and talks. Artwork, although not entirely accurate, stuck with the Prophet Joseph’s and his scribe Oliver Cowdery’s version of translation methods. To wipe out those inaccurate versions of the translation and replace them with even more questionable versions is revisionist history; not sound doctrine.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The BYU Institutions Need a Change of Direction

Spiritual and Academic problems at "The Lord's University" have slowly escalated over the years. All Brigham Young University schools became full of the World and less of the Spirit. The original mission to educate the Saints while committing to Spiritual development seems less equal. Worldly education has drastically overtaken teaching by the Spirit in each classroom. The places that should be a fortress against a sinful and Godless society turns to them as an example rather than The Savior. Of course, this shouldn't be a complete surprise considering where the Universities get their employees. They go out into the World to get "Higher Education" and then get brainwashed by an immoral society. In return they see BYU as easy access to a job while pretending (for they act and teach the opposite) to uphold the LDS Church standards. Wolves in Sheep's clothing taint and poison both the BYU school institutions and many of their student victims. It is time for the LDS Church to do some BYU housecleaning, changing the direction the schools have gone for over two decades.

Something of an uproar has happened after Elder Holland of the LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles read a letter with concerns about Brigham Young University. After stating his satisfaction with the Worldly accolades:
But, he added, “the real successes at BYU are the personal experiences that thousands here have had, personal experiences difficult to document or categorize or list.” Elder Holland also shared a few lines from another memo. “ ‘You should know,’ the writer says, ‘that some people in the extended community are feeling abandoned and betrayed by BYU. It seems that some professors (at least the vocal ones in the media) are supporting ideas that many of us feel are contradictory to gospel principles, making it appear to be about like any other university our sons and daughters could have attended. Several parents have said they no longer want to send their children here or donate to the school.
He tried to express the need to defend the LDS Church and its morals at BYU while not becoming over zeolous. The term "friendly fire" was used to express his desire not to get personal. As usual there is much that both sides can pick to try and either hold to the progressive wave or orthodox use as a relying cry. This will most likely not change anything until something is done to make changes.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Taking the Stone Out of the Hat

For several generations the story of how the Book of Mormon came about was taught the same way as Joseph Smith presented the translation. He was worried about religion and decided to pray for answers. A vision of the Lord and God appeared and instructed him not to join any church, but remain worthy of more knowledge. A short time later while again praying to know his standing with the Lord, an angel named Moroni visited him three times in the night before instructing him where a set of gold plates could be found. He searched and found the plates buried in a nearby hill, along with other objects. One of those objects was a set of spectacles to be used in translating the ancient gold plates with ancient engravings. About four years later he took the gold plates and spectacles home, and with the help of a writer taking down what he read translated the words into The Book of Mormon. Three witnesses were shown the gold plates, spectacles, and other objects by an angel of God. Another group of eight witnesses were shown the gold plates with no divine company. Now after so many years this narrative is challenged. Not by non-Mormons, but Mormon academics who think they know better. Instead of an ancient book translated by Holy instruments, its at least part of the time just a common rock put into a hat found in a well. This was a complete fabrication probably built around rumors. Despite their sophisticated words, the academics are wrong. The ancient Interpreters placed with the gold plates was the only instrument that Joseph Smith used to translate the Book of Mormon.

Any believing Latter-day Saints familiar with the Book of Mormon text knows there was only one set of instruments set aside to translate the ancient language on the gold plates. Book of Mormon prophecy explains in detail where the Interpreters came from and why they exist. God touched two white stones that The Lord gave to The Brother of Jared specifically to translate ancient records by the Power of God. They were handed down from generation to generation used at times, with a prophecy that they would be the means to translate the Nephite records. To claim any other instrument would be used is to speak against the Word of God. At around the time of the Tower of Babel a righteous man and his family were commanded to leave into a new promised land. They built eight boats to cross the waters, but they were sealed tight enough not to let in light. Concerned about this, a man known as "The Brother of Jared" went to a high mountain and prayed to God for guidance. When asked by God how he wanted to resolve the problem, the Brother of Jared suggested The Divine touch white stones and make them glow in the dark. Impressed with his faith, God showed Himself as the pre-mortal Jesus Christ. Along with this amazing vision, The Lord fashioned two stones "For behold, the language which ye shall write I have confounded; wherefore I will cause in my own due time that these stones shall magnify to the eyes of men these things which ye shall write" (see Ether, chapter 3). Several generations later in the Book of Mormon these same blessed stones were used to translate mysterious 24 gold plates found with other artifacts (see Mosiah, chapter 8), "and these interpreters were doubtless prepared for the purpose of unfolding all such mysteries to the children of men." The white stones touched by the Hand of the Lord are handed down, along with sacred writings that must be interpreted by them, to each generation (see Mosiah 28). These are the same stones specifically prophecied that Joseph Smith would use for interpretation of the ancient "gold plates" record.

Consider all the Scriptural history behind the Interpreters and then wonder why any other instrument would be used. The Lord wouldn't accept any old rock found in a stream or a well, or any other place, after all that time and effort for preservation. No other objects would be Holy enough to translate a record that was protected by God for the Last Days. For a thousand years they were used to translate ancient unknown languages. Another thousand years they were kept hidden to be revealed by an Angel. No matter what kind of "mistakes" were made, it is unreasonable that another instrument takes their place. The interpreters would either be returned because of repentance (as did happen), or the gold plates and Interpreters given to someone (or nobody) else more worthy. By itself the translation of the Book of Mormon with white stone Interpreters touched by the Power of God is strange enough. Try to claim a regular smooth dark brown stone thrown into a hat was the translation device and it changes the whole thing into near blaspheme. The first is a high religious concept while the other a common magic trick. Those who try to reconcile the two are forcing a square peg into a round hole.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Church History in Pictures: Translation of a Book

After Joseph Smith was visited by the Angel Moroni, he was told to go to a hill where he would find a record of an ancient American civilization. He at first worked the farm with his father without mentioning the vision, but related it to his father when exhibiting physical weakness.  Trusting in the vision, Joseph Smith Jr's father told him to find the place located on what would later be called the hill Cumorah.

Today the hill has a memorial to the Angel Moroni at the top. During the summer a Pageant is presented commemorating the Book of Mormon that was translated by the Power of God. It would be about four years before he was allowed to take the "golden plates" from the hiding spot. Every year he as commanded to go back and be taught more information before granted permission to take them.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Church History in Pictures: Visions from Heaven

The first years of Joseph Smith Jr.'s life was not very eventful. His mother in her own recollections states he lived like any other youth. The most noteworthy events for several years was constant moving to new locations.

From  the LDS institute textbook Church History in the Fullness of Times Student Manual second chapter:
During Joseph Smith’s earliest years, his family moved frequently, looking for fertile soil or some other way to earn a livelihood. Their first move after his birth took them from Sharon to Tunbridge. In 1807, soon after Samuel was born, they moved to Royalton, Vermont, where two more sons were born. Shortly after William’s birth in 1811 the Smiths moved to the small community of West Lebanon, New Hampshire . . .
While living in West Lebanon, members of the Smith family became ill with typhoid fever. All of the family recovered, including for a time Joseph Smith Jr. Two weeks after getting better, Joseph Smith Jr. developed a serious leg infection. He pleaded with doctors to not take off his leg. A very skilled physician saved the leg after painful surgery to take out infected bone.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Church History in Pictures: Birthplace of Joseph Smith

Thought of doing a project where I present places of LDS Church history in pictures. This post will focus on the Birthplace of Joseph Smith Jr. He was born on Dec. 23, 1805 on the town line of Sharon and Royalton, Vermont. A white granite obelisk marks the general area of his birth as a memorial.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

My "Favorite" General Conference Apostles

All of the General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are important witnesses of the Savior Jesus Christ. Many people have a "favorite" they like to listen to and get the most out of their talks. Over the years there are some that I also seem to pay attention to more than the others as personal preference. This post will list those Apostles of the Lord, briefly comment about them, and link representative talks. Names are restricted to those alive during my lifetime and distinctly remember. Prophets are in a class of their own, so they will not be mentioned even before becoming President of the Church. It is so wonderful that technology makes it easy to go back and once again read or listen to their words.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Stone in the Hat and the Miracle of Translation


“You find magic wherever you look. sit back and relax. all you need is a book” - Dr. Seuss, The Cat in the Hat

"Oh, Man will fly all right - ho-ho-ho! - just like a rock." - Archimedes the Owl from Disney's Sword in the Stone

What can I say? I was, apparently, lied to by whoever I can point a finger at as responsible. Artistic renderings, Sunday School lessons, General Conference talks, and of course Joseph Smith himself concealed the real history. The Urim and Thummim was supposed to be the principle means of The Book of Mormon translation, but it turns out a Seer Stone did most of the work. I mean, it was no secret that a stone in a hat was the means of production. What became lost and confusing is how much that became the tool used by Joseph Smith to translate by the Gift and Power of God.

This introduction is partly facetious, but there is some truth to the words. My own early knowledge was based on what critics consider misinformation, although more like simplifications. The article "Joseph the Seer" is not the first time the topic of The Book of Mormon translation tools have been published. During the first decade of correlated magazines, there was a Friend Magazine article and an in depth Ensign publication that might be superior to the most recent. The history is confusing even with the primary documents. All of them have points of convergence. But, taken all together there is no clear picture of the means or process. The only person who would know for sure, Joseph Smith, was vague to the point of near silence. He was far less concerned with how The Book of Mormon was produced and more focused on the fact it was written. The teachings in the book are to be read, pondered, and studied while translation devices are simply tools to be used and discarded.

To increase the problem is the concern expressed in my previous post about the Age of Reason. Despite stories of ghosts, bigfoot, UFOs, and the persistence of astrology still printed in newspapers, miracles of the religious kind are a bridge too far in Western society. Throw in a physical object where its existence, if not the miracle, cannot be refuted and skepticism becomes scorn. Even believers wince at a small, brown, and smooth stone once used to commune with the Divine. Throw in a funny old hat and there seems nowhere else to go but ridicule. What is that you say? Oh, don't mind my rabbits foot keychain or lucky horseshoe. No one really believes in those kinds of things anyway.