It has been about a month since I last wrote anything. After so much work (and it does take time to do these things if you are doing them right) I felt a need to back away. There were too many other things that were more importance in my life. Not that there wasn't time enough for blogging and doing something else. Rather, I was emotionally drained from writing what was essentially ignored. My motivations for keeping the blog going were challenged. Finally, I decided to take a break to question why I was working so hard with limited results.
slight rant: At first I was going to be a voice for the bloggernacle's disenfranchised Conservative voice. It didn't backfire, as much as fizzle. I blame this partly on the Mormon Archipelego where if you aren't on that, you aren't getting noticed. I tried to have my blog placed on at least the nasceant section, sending an e-mail to the exclusive club. Alas, the "powers that be" didn't even have the courtesy of writing back saying not interested. I even sent a short-short story to "Popcorn Popping" and didn't get any "return-to-sender" message. Is there a conspiracy? I don't know.
However, I am going to give this another try. My new motivation is simply that I am a writer. No matter who reads or doesn't read my stuff, there is no way for me to get away from my passion. Not that I was ever away from typing what was in my mind. The time I wasn't here, my computer keyboard was busy editing my finished novel. Soon my computer will start working on my second novel again; having finished three chapters previously.
Will I be consistant? Probably not like before where I missed one week at the most. Thoughts will be written down when I feel like it; more than out of a sad obligation toward an audience that doesn't exist. For those who might care, be watching for my first REAL blog return the first week of next month. It is going to be a comparative look at the three most important and informative biographies of Joseph Smith (and the only ones worth reading if you are going to read any of them). You can probably guess what two out of the three are, and not be surprised by the third.
Addendum: It would be nice to hear from others who feel "left out" of the sandbox. Post your grievences and your blogs here if you would like. Perhaps you can be placed on my "other Bloggers" section. At the least I will come visit you and leave a nice comment. Of course, if you haven't noticed already, my preference is for the more Conservative and less Diary writers.
I hear you, Jettboy. You and I may be in separate universes politically but we share a healthy disdain for being ignored and for the MA.
The group blog I post on is suffering from a severe shortage of thoughtful and strongly argued conservative representation...please drop-in. And I guarantee you won't get ignored there.
No conspiracy on the part of Popcorn Popping. If you noticed our most recent announcement, we're working our way through the submissions queue. You should hear from us within the next two weeks.
I understand that because those of us who created it and edit for it are all part of the Bloggernacle that there is a temptation to lump Popcorn Popping in with that crowd.
There's no doubt that we have called on that network for submissions, readers, and promotion, but we very much view Popcorn Popping more as a magazine than a blog and are trying (quite hard, in fact) to draw readers and submissions from beyond the Bloggernacle.
And as part of that we are also trying to use standard editorial procedures in how we handle submissions.
Matt, Jet Boy: What's up with the MA? I thought they routinely added new LDS blogs for the asking. Is that not the case any longer? You been slipping them some of your Kool Aide Matt?
Jet Boy--don't despair for lack of comments on your blog. These few comments here suggest to you that people read what you write. I sense, and I think this is the general consensus that there are a great more readers than commentary. I’ve noticed that on my small solo blog. There is much more traffic and visiting of pages than there are comments.
My own personal philosophy (not one I am suggesting is successful by any means) is to write what you want, when you want. Don't write when you don't feel like it. Each voice in the 'nacle contributes. Keep plugging along, and you will help contribute to that sometimes cacophony of noise we call the ‘nacle
I know the depression of no readers, but not for my blog.. lol.
That is a place for me to rant, rave and be a complete dork, because I want some place to do that. I keep telling TigerSue her blog is the important one to read,.. and is yours and Peggy's..
I got hit with DRL lately in a good way, but it means my downtime is really really at a minimum. I am giving about 12 hours of my daily awake time to my work right now. A good thing. A grown up thing.
It however has meant that i am not so good about getting around to people I respect.
I will try. The blogernacle doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Finding you good readers does, and I think I can round up one more today :-)
Good on ya, Jettboy.
-Adam Greenwood
Hey Jettboy,
I never saw any emails from you and I am copied on all emails sent to the Mormon Archipelago address (info@ldsblogs.org). Can you email your info over again?
geoff j., I just sent you an e-mail. If I am included, fine. If I am not, fine. No worries either way. Just said some things that apparently hit a cord with other small writers on the Net.
You're on the MA now. I actually found your blog because I saw the post, and I thought, "Wait, Jettboy--I know that name! I've never seen his blog before. I should look at it."
Persistence is a good thing.
I know how you feel in posting things with few comments or discussions.. but while nice, that has never been my goal in my blogging.
First and foremost, my blog is a creative outlet for me to express what I normally wouldn't in my personal journal (which, I'll admit, has been neglected since I started blogging so much).
Second/lastly, I wanted to educate other people when possible. My posts are usually a mixture of things political and religious, since I feel the two are closely intertwined. Many of my friends and family have no clue when it comes to what I write about, so it's good for me to be able to share what I've learned with others.
Connor, I really liked your blog. When I have time I will put it onto my own list of places to visit. Right now I must work for food.
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